Why are condenser microphones used for vocal

  Everyone's voice is unique, which creates the artistic and fun sound. Each voice has its own unique sound wave characteristics, making their own voice and others are different.
  From men to women, ranging from rough to smooth, from darkness to lightness, the different indicators of looking at the voice are almost endless and none of them are the same. So this also means that no single microphone can completely capture these differences.
  Microphone own frequency attribute
  It should be noted that each Wireless microphone has its own unique frequency attributes, aware of this is very important. This frequency attribute mainly refers to the frequency response, but fundamentally speaking, each microphone will still apply its own frequency attribute to the sound of its reception, no matter how straightforward the frequency curve described on the microphone's instruction sheet is.

  BY-WXLR8 UHF Wireless XLR Transmitter
  The BY-WXLR8 Plug-On XLR Transmitter for BOYA BY-WM6 and BY-WM8 UHF Wireless Microphone System. Allows you to connect any XLR microphone and the BY-WM6 and BY-WM8 wireless receiver.

wireless microphone
The secret is to match the perfect
  The ultimate goal, we all try and hope to get a spike of the crowd. We hope the sound recorded will be the same as our real voice - and even better.
  The secret of excellent recording: Instead of picking a good microphone, pick one that is extremely matched to the sound. The best match is the best.
  Wireless Microphone for the broadcaster is a very important item, in the selection often have to consider a variety of factors.
  In a wide variety of microphones, there is no such thing as [a microphone is the best]. There are many different types of wireless microphone on the market, each of which has its own unique properties and uses, and produces a different sound texture.

Conference microphone system
BY-MC2 Conference Microphone
Smartphone microphone
BY-WM4 Wireless Microphone
BY-WM5 Wireless Microphone
BY-VM600 Shotgun Microphone
BY-VM190 Shotgun Microphone
Stereo microphone system
Lavalier microphone
BY-M4C Lavalier Microphone
BY-M4OD Lavalier Microphone



How Do You Use Wireless Microphones?

Which Is Best? A Dynamic Microphone or A Condenser Microphone

When are condenser microphones used